To Keep Your Small Apartment Rentals Looking "Alive"

To Keep Your Small Apartment Rentals Looking

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To Keep Your Small Apartment Rentals Looking "Alive" - ​​Rent a small apartment has the advantages of lower rental costs, often closer to the bustling city center, and an irreplaceable comfortable charm. One of the misconceptions that people often fall victim to when decorating small apartments is that all the focus should be on functionality over design.

That sentiment couldn't be further from the truth. Your apartment may be short on space, but that doesn't mean it has to lack style. On the contrary, finding the right balance between the two is essential to creating a space that will make you comfortable living in the future.

Follow these decorating tips to ensure that you make the most of the space you have while still letting your personality pour out in it.

1. Be Careful with Separate Areas

At first glance, it may seem like the open concept of living is the way to go when decorating a tiny apartment. However, this can overwhelm your eyes and over time a lack of space definition can cause things to look messy. Be sure to do your best by defining separate areas and each area ultimately serving its purpose.

Place a shoe rack near the door to close your entrance. If you are the type of person who often works from home, be sure to design it as if you are in an office even if it is only a table and chairs in one corner. You can also use plants from the indoor garden to signify a change in the use of space.

2. Invest in Versatile Furniture

When dealing with small spaces, every inch counts. Make the most of the space you have by investing in furniture that will double. The bedroom is the perfect room to have versatile furniture in.

Consider a sofa bed that folds into a sofa while watching TV, a hollow ottoman that can be used for storage, or a dining table with a built-in system that will make it easier to entertain guests. Any kind of furniture With the dual function you choose, be sure to choose a piece that is the right size for your space. Overstuffed models will only make your living room look smaller.

3. Rethinking Unused Space

After living in the same space for any length of time, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut about how you use it. However, have you ever considered the possibility that you are not using your space as effectively as possible?

Challenge yourself to look around your apartment and identify any “dead space” or space that is not currently serving a useful purpose. Think about unused corners and bare walls. Then, try to brainstorm ways to use those spaces to your advantage.

4. Choose a Light Color Palette

Keep it light when choosing colors for your apartment. While darker and more varied colors have a tendency to make spaces appear smaller to the eye, try using the right color palette for your apartment interior.

When choosing your palette, focus on using three colors: two, light and bright colors that make up most of the space. Then, add a darker accent color to make sure things stay visually appealing. If you really can't live in a world with a few bold colors, you can still improve it with furniture.

Choose one main color and buy or paint all the furniture for the area with the same color. Then, choose a second bold color to accent the room. However, you may have to limit your pop of color to one part of the apartment. Too many colors in one small space can overwhelm you. When the moment of renting an apartment that is complete with furniture, we usually lack space to create a room according to our own personality.

But there are also some apartments that provide only partial furniture, so maybe you can make this an alternative when renting an apartment. Try if you rent a small apartment from the start, you don't forget about interior design just for functionality. Instead, you should try to strike a balance between the two focuses.

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